Grindadrap merupakan acara tahunan bagi orang-orang di Kepulauan Faroe, Denmark. (more info:wikipedia)

Apa yang mereka buat.?
Memerangkap, dan membunuh ikan paus untuk makanan.

Lagi gambar di bawah.
(gambar mempunyai pembunuhan haiwan yang mungkin tidak menyenangkan bagi sesetengah orang)

The sea of Faroe Islands in north of Europe turned red with the blood of hundreds of whales killed by the inhabitants, as a part of their annual whale hunting culture.

Every year the islanders catch and slaughter pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) during the traditional whale hunt known as 'Grindadrap'.

Being an autonomous province of Denmark, where whaling is banned, the Faroe Islands’ laws allow the mass slaughter of pilot whales, beaked whales and dolphins to observe the annual tradition.